Hi there! I’m Esra Çetin, a graduate of Massachusetts College of Art and Design with a BFA in Graphic Design and Minor in Creative Writing. Currently, I’m located in the Greater Boston area.
Though I try to be well-rounded in all types of design, my expertise lies in the branding and print world. Representation and diversity in design is something I strive for in the work that I do. Being the eldest child in an immigrant household has definitely influenced a lot of my work!
Aside from designing, you can find me writing, bothering my two spoiled chunky cats, or most likely playing The Sims. Also, if you just so happen to find little misshapen stars doodled everywhere...it wasn’t me.
Thank you for taking the time to visit my website!
Why Hire Me?
The golden question: why should you hire me? Well, get comfy and grab a snack because I'm about to tell you!

It's true that not everyone will be a 100% perfect fit for every role. The way I see it, if you don't fit that full 100%, there's opportunity to grow, learn, and adapt until you do—if given the chance. As long as the drive to succeed and love for the work is there, it's possible! That's where I come in—a high-spirited person with a passion for graphic design, eagerness to learn, and an aim to see a client satisfied or a project succeed!
My academic experience at MassArt prepared me to be diligent in my projects and to always go the extra mile. I never move forward with a project until I've exhausted every possible idea from my brain to paper, whether it takes two hundred logo sketches or fifty page layout ideas. Any great project always begins with a solid foundation; this is why I place utmost importance on the research and ideation phase on any project that I do! MassArt also taught me the importance of teamwork and utilizing the feedback of your peers. A project can be enhanced, not damaged, from feedback.  Because of this, I view critique and feedback from my peers and higher-ups as a vital part of any design project.
My background as a writer provides another valuable skill set. In addition to designing, I can ensure proper communication, proofread documents, and overall enhanced communication skills.
As an individual, I consider myself to be bubbly (if a little loud at times), respectful, generous, and extremely hard-working. I'm professional when the situation calls for it! Respect and generosity are two big pillars in Turkish culture; how you speak, behave, and act is ingrained in the way I was brought up. I find that these two qualities have significantly improved my experience both in day-to-day life and the workplace. For example, generosity can be as simple as sharing a snack with someone or helping out a team member with a portion of their work. Another form of generosity and respect can take the form of sticking up for others. I ensure that everyone's voices are heard in any situation whenever possible.
Well—what do you say? Let's work together!

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